The company's timeline
For over 20 years PharmVILAR has kept an impeccable reputation on the field of development and production of pharmaceuticals. Our company is a holding that comprises three branches: distribution, our own production complex and the research and development center.
The timeline of our key development milestones and achievements
the company is created, partnership with Borculo Domo Ingredients and Avedbe established
our first original pharmaceuticals get developed and registered under the brand name
our range of original brand pharmaceuticals keeps growing, and one of the first contractual production of these products gets launched at the production complex of ICN "Tomskhimpharm"
introduction of excipients of pharmaceutical quality manufactured by JRS to the Russian market
partnership with Degussa, distribution of the AEROSIL product lineup
awarded the "Distributor of the Year" title by Borculo DOMO Ingredients
expanding the distribution portfolio of excipients, including partnership with Dr. Paul Lohmann
partnership with Shin-Etsu for the distribution of pharmaceutical grade cellulose ethers
nominated "Distributor of the year" by DFE Pharma
receiving the "Distributor of the Year" DFE Pharma award
partnership with Budenheim for the distribution of pharmaceutical grade hydrophosphates
The timeline of the NPO PharmVILAR production complex
the production complex is founded in Maloyaroslavets with its first FPP production facility
the galenic facility is opened
launch of a workshop for the production of FPP with 1000 sq.m. clean rooms, the company receives the national GMP certificate
the company increases profuction and storage volumes
launch of a new microbiology laboratory
launch of two modern analytical and research labs, opening of a new FPP workshop with 1000 sq.m. clean rooms
implementation of new storage facilities with a total area of more than 3,000 sq.m., preparation and launch of a drug labeling system
Our team
Currently, the company comprises about 460 employees within departments of research and development, production, quality control / assurance, marketing, sales, logistics, as well as regulatory, legal, financial and other branches.
The research and development branch is led by doctors and candidates of sciences, namely 4 doctors of medical / biological sciences and 11 candidates of pharmacological, medical or biological sciences.